Mariana Reynoso

Hola mi nombre es Mariana Reynoso, tengo ya 28 años y soy originaria de Mexico D.F. ,estudie odontologia en la Universidad Intercontinental,si he tomado y alguna vez no he sabido parar al igual que otro tipo de cosas, soy hija de Beatriz Cortes y Jorge Reynoso( dueño de DISTRIBUCION GLOBAL ), tengo dos hermanos que se llaman Jorge(estudia en la ibero) y Lilia( ella ya es mujer casada y trabaja actualmente en wallmart) yo soy la niña sandwich,pero bueno quiero darles la bienvenida a mi blog y espero se la pasen muy bien y encuentren todo lo necesario para divertirse y demas cosas que deseen, les mando un beso y que esten muy muy bien. Recuerden I'm a Princess
Mariana Reynoso C.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

y la fiesta comenzo

y lo que viene esto apenas comienzaaaaaaaaaa bebeshitosssss

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009

viva Mexico y te ganare

con eso de las lluvias!!!!

con eso de las lluvias, besitoshhhh quien dijo mas? se iran quitando las imagenes? mmmm

bomba para bailar es una bombaa

editando videos ya casi listos para subir, saludoss mis bebeshitosssssss

martes, 8 de septiembre de 2009

Carta Ingeniero Jorge Reynoso

Hello my dear, believe in your daughter even though all the lies you've heard? This is only an invention to protect it over all, but good you will know, down the road is your life, her life and she decided many things about all the mistakes today and will continue paying pay, because this is not ends here, unless everyone forget his bitter pill and put the white flag, it's your decision and it all ends here or if continuous and with what follows is even more evident and strong, lots of material from which cut , made many wrong things, you decide the choice I leave to you or want to see videos of your daughter is not home video, pornography is completely and leave prints and shots of her doing things that you can not imagine that you would only see in videos of that class and see a daughter so, I will not wish on anyone, so I hope your comments, she invented worlds and lies to get away from everything, but nobody forces anyone if you saw how he behaves in the videos and photos not yet come, I feel sorry to see it to be his father but you decided yet too late to stop as hard, because this was nothing, until suddenly, if I do not hear it that there will be no truce never

First time

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

que bonitos recuerdossss

ay perdon pero no soy hipocrita y me encantaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

mas poses para ti

estoy mmmmmm inspirada? o mmm bebeshitoooooo

Posando para tiiiiiiiiiii

y esta es con dedicatoria para tiiiiiiiiiiii

La Beibi Hemosha ( Mariana Reynoso ) Copyright © 2009 Flower Garden is Designed by Ipietoon for Tadpole's Notez Flower Image by Dapino